Alternator Belt


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A loud thump just as  Pontiac Fiero went zipping by in the oncoming lane, we looked at each other perplexed. I said "hey Greg do you smell that burning rubber". He replies "No, maybe it was the Fiero that went past dragging something." A few moments later I looked at my voltage gauge and said "Greg, it wasn't the Fiero, we broke and alternator belt."

The repair only took about 15 minutes! I would have to say its pretty bad when you know all the exact size wrenches and tools you need before you start the repair!!!. I'm thinking I have a career as an RV repairman!!!

Notice the center of the fan, there is a belt wrapped around it... it normally does not belong there!!! LOL

The offending belt, after I cut it off the fan. (BTW I have a glove in because its very hot working on this toasty warm 454 engine)